
Industrial strategy: when should you worry about it?

You are developing an industrial product, so the production phase is an important step: how to approach it? Some stages are already completed: your POC has enabled you to test…


Expert interview: Hervé Gaillard, industrialization project manager

Our Axandus team is made up of experts who all have significant experience within the Sercel or EFI Automotive Groups. Today we meet Hervé, who has been the industrialization project manager at…

Axandus Uncategorized

Product Qualification : a key step in determining the reliability of your product

Often forgotten or leftout, product qualification is essential to the success of a product. Waterproofing, drops, extreme temperatures… These are constraints that your product will have to face. So go…

Industrial support
Axandus Uncategorized

Industrial support: Axandus structured to help you

Our manufacturing accelerator has already been providing industrial support to start-ups and innovative companies for 7 years. This has been made possible thanks to the work of our teams and…

ITW_Denis Faure
Axandus Uncategorized

Start-up project manager – Expert interview with Denis Faure

There are many jobs in the industry, and all of them require a certain expertise. Today we meet Denis, start-up project manager.

startup gain efficiency

Start-ups: Boost your efficiency through project management

As a start-upper, every day is a new challenge. You have a new product, new suppliers, new clients – everything is new. If you want to keep your head above…

startup think preproduction
Axandus Uncategorized

Start-ups: eliminating risk through pre-production

Proof of Concept > Prototype > Pre-production > Production As a start-up it can be hard to keep track of all of the different stages. But stay focused! Each stage…

Startup prototype support

Prototypes: essential for start-ups with big ambitions

We’re all familiar with the concept of the prototype…or are we? There are prototypes and then there are prototypes. Misunderstood and often ignored, industrial prototypes are essential for any start-up…

Poc startup accompagnement

POC: A must for industrial start-ups

We all know time is money. However, too much haste can lead to costly errors, making it important to spend time on your POC, or Proof of Concept. Quicker and more cost-effective than developing a prototype, this is an essential stage in the validation of your project.

Support for industrialisation of startups

Production: From Minimum Viable Product to Minimum Viable Process

Whether in the industrial sphere or other sectors, many start-ups are keen to present their finished solution as quickly as possible. But such a strategy often forces project leaders to…